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tv   Fox News Night With Shannon Bream  FOX News  October 22, 2019 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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[bleep] >> shannon: he needed to go to work -- the guy has got to get to work. shannon bream and the "fox news @ night" team take it from here and that was in san francisco. >> shannon: we have some san francisco news coming up, stick around for that. we begin tonight with a fox news alert, more closed-door testimony in the house democrats impeachment push, democrats say what they heard from a former top u.s. diplomat in ukraine makes their case. one top republican calls the leaks massively overblown and demands the transcript immediately. plus the democrat grabbing headlines on the campaign trail isn't even running for president. a fresh round of fighting
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between hillary clinton and tulsi gabbard raising new questions about whether the former presidential nominee is considering another run. an anonymous book by another offer claiming to be a trump administration insider is set to be released within weeks, it comes from the author of a viable "new york times" piece entitled "i am part of the resistance" inside the trump administration, here how the white house is responding tonight. welcome to "fox news @ night," i'm shannon bream in washington. the man who ran the u.s. embassy in ukraine gives his version of events behind closed doors about the president's dealing with the ukrainian president. chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge has more, catherine? speak of the top u.s. diplomat to ukraine came to capitol hill after subpoena, an accusation the trump administration strongly denies. >> sources familiar with the closed-door session tell
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fox news that william taylor told congressional investigators there were two channels for policymaking on ukraine. one regular and one highly irregular. he described himself as a career diplomat and said the regular channel went through traditional state department avenues and the irregular channel went through the presidents people naming ambassador gordon sondland, former special envoy kurt volker, the president's personal attorney rudy giuliani, and energy secretary rick perry. according to prepared remarks, he had significant -- into the last presidential election as well as the ukrainian energy firm where by sat on the board. "zelensky into investigations into it burisma showed how the official foreign policy of the united states was undercut by the irregular efforts led by mr. giuliani. taylor went further relating secondhand information about what he described as a september
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conversation between mr. trump and the administration's point man for the european union, quote president trump told ambassador sondland he was not asking for a quid pro quo but president trump did insist that president zelensky go to a microphone and saying he is opening an investigation. >> in my ten short months in congress, it's not even noon and this is my most disturbing day in congress so far. >> republicans point to his admission that news did not leak until august 29th, almost five weeks until the presidents phone call with the ukrainian leader which they say undercut democratic claims of a quid pro quo. with his explosive claims come republicans accuse their colleagues of unfair tactics. >> the democrats will not allow republicans to have a copy of the respective transcripts from each of the witnesses we have interviewed. and if we want to look at the transcript, we've got to go in and there has to be a democrat staffer in there.
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>> shannon: fox news can confirm the u.s. attorney's investigation into the origins of the fai russian collusion case recently expanded based on new evidence recently gathered during a trip to rome with attorney general william barr. the former director of national intelligence game james clapperd former cia director john brennan. >> shannon: tulsi gabbard releasing a new campaign video slamming hillary clinton, the latest response to clinton floating a conspiracy theory suggesting congresswoman gabbard is a favorite of the russians. chief breaking news correspondent trace gallagher reports on how one side is facing criticism for coverage of the dispute. good evening. >> when hillary clinton accused 2020 candidate tulsi gabbard of being a russian asset, politicians on both sides of the aisle condemned the comments on
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being baseless, unfounded, inappropriate. according to "the new york times," clinton wasn't hurling unsubstantiated allegations, instead she's a master troll. this is hillary unplugged "for most of her public career, misses clinton has been constrained by the expectations of our position, be it first lady, center, or secretary of state. now, after a stunning loss in 2016, it seems she finally feels liberated to speak her mind." that characterization by the times ginned up some big-time blowback by fox news senior political analyst brit hume writing "she makes a no evidence charge of treachery against tulsi gabbard and gets a puff piece from "the new york times"? "with doubts among democratic establishment leaders about long-term viability of former vice president joe biden's campaign and concern about elizabeth warren's odds in a general election, "the new york times" piece went on to paint hillary clinton as both carolyn and deville and saying she "continues to loom large in the psyche of her party
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and fueling speculation as to whether she mig the times went on to report that hillary clinton and former new york mayor michael bloomberg have both told people privately in recent weeks that if they thought they could win they would consider entering the primary. most analysts think the only way clinton would jump back in his if joe biden dropped out. meantime, a clinton spokesperson accuses analysts and others of reading too much into hillary clinton statements, "it's easier to over prescribe a strategy for every word she utters but it is as simple as that, she is out there telling the truth, though many would debate the telling the truth part. >> shannon: trace gallagher, thank you. the white house said this about the testimony of the top diplomat in ukraine. president trump has done nothing wrong, this is a coordinated smear campaign from far left
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lawmakers and a radical unelected bureaucrats waging war on the constitution, there was no quid pro quo. joining me now, chief political anchor bret baier, he has a brand-new book out today called "three days at the brink" come all about world war ii and what could have been for not some serious discussion -- but first to today because you are undoubtedly making history today with all of this unfolding on capitol hill, what do you make of the democrats characterization of bill taylor, the top diplomat in ukraine, his testimony? >> to hear democrats on capitol hill, they are ecstatic with this testimony. our producer up there chad program describes news an the closed-door inquiry, the opening statement is very long from the acting ambassador, he says there are two tracks happening with policy when it came to ukraine
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and tying the investigation to burisma seemed to in his mind be tied directly to the conversation that was set up with the president of ukraine, zelensky and defunding. here's the problem, it's behind closed doors, we don't have access to what transpired in the cross-examination and republicans tell a story of not being able to push back on some of the questioning. i think this is potentially a big development but we don't know what we don't know. >> shannon: republicans went out to the microphones and said this whole process continues to be behind closed doors with the vast majority of house members are not even allowed to see the transcript or be a part of these things. they were called to be more transparent and if democrats are going to get the american public on their side and convince them -- you do see the polls moving but both sides of the aisle says this needs to open up but at some point it would have to before we get to a vote.
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in the meantime our own chris wallace said he spoke to a very well place republican, they put that 20% the chances the senate would remove the president if he were impeached. i asked mike lee about that, here's what he said. >> it's nonsense, science fiction fantasy. i have great respect for chris wallace, i don't know who he's talking about, who he's talking to. whoever is saying this to him is wrong. there is simply not the support there and the reason is the president hasn't done anything impeachable. >> shannon: what is your sense? >> he's right in this case, we haven't seen the articles of impeachment but let's assume they make this case. it seems like the biggest possibility is that the house votes to impeach and the senate does not get to a guilty finding on this trial and they come short and it is used as a political cudgel by democrats
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heading into the 2020 election against president trump. i think senator lee is right as far as counting heads, it's tough to believe there will be enough republicans but without seeing the articles of impeachment and exactly how they will write them up, it seems like democrats want to focus like a laser on this ukraine phone call and the quid pro quo allegation to make it easy for the american public to understand. >> shannon: there's a lot of chatter about the potential nominee they may end up with, "the new york times" talking about the anxious democratic establishment asking is there anybody else, talking about a couple people who are not in the race who may change their mind. mr.misses clinton and mr. bloomg have told people privately if they thought they could win they would consider entering the primary. any chance on your radar that hillary clinton takes another run at this. >> i don't think so, judging by all this controversy about what she said about congresswoman tulsi gabbard and what she said over the last couple days, she's
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not getting a lot of points in the democratic party. just logistics, you have to get on ballots and those deadlines are coming up shortly. it is interesting to see this "new york times" piece. john kerry's name mentioned, i don't know if john kerry leaked that to "the new york times" but i think there's a lot of worry about joe biden as a front runner and you are seeing mayor pete move up the polls in iowa. the question is an alternative to elizabeth warren is what the democrats are possibly going to look for. >> shannon: i want to talk about your book, "three days at the brink" i'm not done with it yet. so many untold stories about what could have happened in world war ii and what did end up happening. if >> the allies really could have lost world war ii and we forget that, looking back in history. at this moment november 1943,
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fdr, churchill, and stalin agreed to meet in tehran of all places, stalin makes the meeting. they get there and eventually agreed to plan world war ii d-day, the biggest battle of the war that ends up changing the course of history. what is in this book are a lot of nuggets that never ended up having before. it bounced back from how fdr gets to that point. it is chock-full as the other books i have written about eisenhower and reagan of things that haven't been out there before. >> shannon: we wish you all the best, congratulations. thanks for joining us. tonight, the cease-fire in syria between turkish military forces and the kurds is apparently holding, it's supposed to expire by 3:00 p.m. today. mike pence says he's optimistic because negotiations to a permanent end to that turkish
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offensive are ongoing. president trump is keeping his word to the american people by bringing our troops home. tonight, the legal battle over on obamacare mandate is far from over. the ninth circuit court of appeals blocking the trump administration's efforts to exempt religious organizations from the mandates that employers must provide cost free birth control as part of their health insurance. that likely means tonight that the little sisters of the poor, the group of nuns who care for aging people with no financial resources could be forced to take this legal fight back to the u.s. supreme court, we'll follow it. pennsylvania lawmakers pushing ahead with a fetal heart beat bill ove over the objections ofe democratic governor. governor tom wolf vowing to veto the g.o.p. bill should it pass, tweeting "correction: pennsylvania will not be the next state to ban abortion because i will veto this bill. #stopthebands "why are top
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capitol hill promising to fight back don't appear to be doing so? i will ask g.o.p. senator tom tillis about that next. rollin'.. while we stowin' and goin' but that's cool, i know for a fact your suv does not suck. and why is that? it aint got that vacuum in the back, whoo! sucking stuff up! what else are we gonna find? we got to go. vacuum in the back, hallelujah! get 0% financing for 60 months plus $2,250 total bonus cash on the 2019 chrysler pacifica. i get it all the time. "have you lost weight?" of course i have- ever since i started renting from national. because national lets me lose the wait at the counter... ...and choose any car in the aisle. and i don't wait when i return, thanks to drop & go. at national, i can lose the wait...and keep it off.
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♪ >> a lot of people say why lindsey graham i'm aware is he? he could be subpoenaing people, he could be doing in the senate what they are doing in the house, except he could be doing this people who ran this phony investigation. people are asking why isn't he doing anything? >> shannon: criticism tonight for the republican led committees in the senate, are the g.o.p. led to panels doing enough in the face of the impeachment push. let's bring in a member of the judiciary committee, republican senator from north carolina thom tillis.
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senator lindsey graham chairs that committee, what are you all doing in the face of the president yesterday saying the g.o.p. wants to be tougher? >> there are a couple of things that lindsay came up with, we are in the personnel business and we have confirmed a historic number of circuit court judges and district court judges, we have made great progress. we need to get present elected so we can transform the article three courts. what lindsay talked about tonight is have the house follow the regular order for impeachment, exactly the way they did it with clinton, exactly the way they did with nixon. have the minority, have the president's counsel present in public forums to actually go through all of the allegations they are making against the president. i think if they do that, the republicans are going to have more opportunities in the house and the democrats are going to have more problems trying to build a real case for
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impeachment against president trump. >> shannon: what power of persuasion do you win the senate have? house republicans are raising these concerns and democrats are proceeding as planned. >> i think that's why lindsay is leaning forward into forcing the issue, he should not go into a secured facility to discuss information that should be in an open hearing. they went into what we call the skip, we listen to classified briefings. what we are covering is not the least bit classified, it should be subject to the light of day and for everybody including the president's counsel and republicans to see. we got to push the process, i think the american people understand how this is a kangaroo court to this point. they are picking and choosing what they want to put out in the press and it reminds me som so h of what i saw with brett kavanaugh. they tried to use that to
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discredit brett kavanaugh and thank goodness i was able to vote for him in judiciary committee and get him confirmed to the supreme court. that's what we are looking for, we aren't looking for the games that nancy pelosi is playing. the two pieces of information that we have are the transcript and whistle-blower complaint. they know it doesn't rise to the level of impeachment. that's a position i would take at this point in time. a-determiner >> shannon: there has been a lot of criticism that not a lot is getting done on the hill other than this impeachment stuff and you have a hearing now about sanctuary cities. i want to show you some reporting from north carolina where i used to work, they went through documents, according to new ice data obtained, nearly 500 documented immigrants across north carolina have been released despite a federal detainer including people charges with offenses, kidnapping, arson, and homicide. that doesn't line up with what we are told that the people who
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are being released. >> we had a hearing that i was able to preside over that was interesting. the bill we heard today is a bill i will be filing later this week and i've got another bill shortly thereafter that says this. if you want to have a sanctuary policy and you release somebody who has been charged with domestic violence, murder, rape, sexual assault, sexual assault of a minor and he refused to cooperate with ice and you release them into the community and they create another victim, we believe that victim should have a right to sue whatever governmental entity allows that policy to go into place. what was interesting in the committee, we got no pushback from the democrats on the policy, they wanted to pivot the things that have nothing to do with what we want to do and that is to provide victims rights for dangerous sanctuary policies and in north carolina we have a handful of our largest counties that are practicing this and
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they are contributors to the .500 people that we mentioned in north carolina. that means thousands of people convicted of serious violent crimes are on the streets today because local law enforcement is not cooperating with ice so they can do their job and keep communities safer. >> shannon: there's a lot of heat on both sides of that conversation. we will watch. >> i think we're going to get to a good outcome, thank you. first a "new york times" op-ed, the anonymous author who claims the trump administration author claims the book is on the way, is it a deep state to take down? what we know, next. because to be the best, is to never ever stop making it better.
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if gillian turner reports on how the white house is responding. >> breaking tonight, president trump is going to face another reckoning from what he calls the deep state in the form of this tell-all book from one of his own senior officials. the very same person who anonymously penned that infamous column last year and has astoundingly and against all odds managed to remain anonymo anonymous. >> the book is called "warning," it's slated to be released in a couple of weeks, promising the most revealing look at president trump behind the scenes. last year a bomb was dropped in the title line, i am part of the resistance from and inside the trump administration. it claimed his impulsiveness result and have faith, ill-informed and reckless decision that's have to be walked back.
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the white house shrugged off news of the book today, press secretary stephanie grisham saying in the statement "it takes a lot of conviction and bravery to write a whole book anonymously. immigration advisor stephen miller is going much further saying what he calls the permanent government bureaucracy or civil servants do pose a real danger. this is a mortal threat to the american system of government. anonymous has always insisted the so-called "deep state" is a benevolent force. "we want the administration to succeed and think many of his policies have already made america safer and more prosperous but we believe our first duty is to this and country" anonymous and other journalists defend the existence of the deep state, it's a necessary force. >> there is a deep state, a bureaucracy in our country that is pledged to respect the constitution, the rule of law, they don't work for the president, they work for the
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american people. >> also breaking tonight, the author's agent to sit anonymous could be receiving as much as seven figures as an advance on the book but insists the author isn't doing any of this for the money. >> shannon: apparently they are pledging to give away but you and i talked -- we think this person is going to be outed at some point. it is going to be the biggest parlor game to figure it out. >> the race will be on. >> shannon: new bribery charges tonight against a dozen parents charged in the college admissions scandal including actress lori laughlin and her husband. she is accusing bribing employees to facilitate her daughter's admission into university. ten parents have confessed early, showed remorse, made deals with the government and have been sentenced. all but one were given prison time ranging from two weeks to five months i including felicity huffman. one of the nation's biggest
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broadcasting companies is reportedly renewing the contract of its news president after ronan farrow's explosive book claimed he oversaw a massive breach of journalistic integrity. those of the words longtime producer rich mccue, he spoke with tucker carlson tonight. more with new claims. >> good evening, rich said he urged executives to come clean but instead they chose to stick with the narrative's claiming the story didn't have enough to meet their standards. six weeks later, ronan pharaoh published it in the new yorker and won a pulitzer prize for it. mchugh says he never got clear answers from nbc news president noah oppenheim about why the story was shut down but has learned of the networks top brass cave in to pressure from weinstein who was threatening to reveal details about former today show anchor matt lauer.
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>> it's clear to me we were lied to over and over and it's just not right, especially coming from the news organization. it's the very crux of what they do, to tell the truth and they not only lost sight of it but they didn't adhere to their basic principles. >> despite the lower end weinstein controversies, and be to nbc quietly renewed noah oppenheim's contract and he is expected to take over as the chairman's network after the 2020 election. mchugh cannot understand how noah oppenheim still has a job much less a promotion and other folks at nbc aren't happy about it either. >> i know employees at nbc are upset about it, i've spoken too many of them. i feel it's rather tone-deaf. it's going to be hard for employees, journalists going forward to report on corporate
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malfeasance elsewhere. >> weinstein didn't only pressure nbc executives to shutdown the expose, the hollywood producer also attempted to leverage his longtime relationship with hillary clinton. here is farrow recounting that experience to bret baier. >> i can't speak to her state of mind, what i can say as she attempted to withdraw from an interview that she had committed to for a foreign policy book i was working on for which i had interviewed every other living secretary of state and before doing so, her staffer is concerned that i was working on a story about one of her most significant donors, a big funder of hollywood money. >> nbc hasn't responded about noah oppenheim's new contract but has previously reported it didn't know of lowers misconduct despite mchugh, farrow, and a number of former nbc news people
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claiming everyone knew about his behavior. >> shannon: you don't want to miss this. ronan pharaoh joins us live on thursday, mark your calendar. if he is your journalist behind the bombshell allegations we wee talking about, a number of peope calling it a smear and more, i will ask him all about that. tune into "fox news @ night" this thursday, ronan pharaoh joins us. why would progressive lawmakers want to get in the way of a team dedicated to helping the homeless? that is next. but first, where in the world? 15 dead as chilean riots rage into their fifth day, it all started with a modest increase in transit fares but protests are demanding widespread reform. plus more protests in lebanon where they are demanding wholesale changes to the government. in haiti, corruption and economic problems and catalans
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are still hitting the streets of barcelona. leaders getting long prison terms for calling independence from spain. to the dominican republic, the state department says fbi toxicology reports from the mysterious deaths of u.s. tourists in the dominican show no evidence that contradicts the island nations findings of natural causes. japanese emperor nora quito has formally announced his ascension to the throne. it confirms his succession in may after his father abdicated. t treats differently. for psoriasis, 75% clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement
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utah congressman jason chaffetz, welcome to you. i want to play you something, this is what one lifelong seattle resident has to say about describing the city as it now stands. >> it makes me sad for my community. the community is destroyed, there are needles and fecal matter. i think people are outraged what has been done to our city at the hands of this council. >> shannon: police and these other community groups are working together to get people off the streets but at least one seattle city councilmember doesn't like what the team is doing saying "the humane aspects of the services need to be retained but the bulk of the money that is used for sweeps is a complete waste of money, we need this to end immediately." they say they don't want the groups out there sweeping up people, clearing out the encampments and getting them off the streets. >> these are sad human stories but what is wrong with these socialist types of movements is they are trying to go easier and
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a softer, they are not enforcing the city ordinances, they aren't cleaning up the streets. some people have some mental health issues, they need to be separated. others have addiction problems, they need to be separated and dealt with. in a time when our economy is thriving so much and it seattle is thriving with big companies like amazon and microsoft and others, there is no reason the situations should be getting worse. if they have to institute a new conservative principles and they would have much better success. >> shannon: "the seattle times" said "in the first six months of 2019, the navigation team addressed more than 200 authorized encampments around the city, removed 760 tons of garbage, waste, and debris from the public right-of-way, and most important to their compassionate approach has ensured 128 people have entered a shelter."
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plus or minus for this navigation team? >> actually minus. the reality here is, i have to agree with you -- seattle is thriving, there is more money being generated out of seattle than most cities in america, but there is also the largest income inequality in the country in seattle. there is a housing crisis in seattle. while there is mental illness and people with drug addictions, it is mostly a minority -- you have a lot of families who can't afford housing because the average white family earns $105,000 a year but the average black family earns only $42,000 a year and with rising housing costs, that increases the homeless crisis. there are proposals that are more cost-effective and more effective in expanding the housing and those are housing first approaches. this is an experiment of people were willing to look at it but the numbers may seem high, they are actually pretty low in comparison to the other plans that are on the table and councilmember kshama sawant ran on this, they have tried and
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they weren't effective and one more thing, given -- i know how much you don't like government interference, this is also something that has concerned a lot of libertarians because people are being monitored by the government. >> shannon: let's do this, let's go to san francisco where they also have a big homeless problem they are working on, they're looking at how the money is being spent. san francisco bay homeless spending, this is according to an investigation there, in san jose $14 million is allocated but only 2 million spent on direct services. oakland, 22 million, oakland, 4 million, less than half of that, in san francisco 104 million spent on direct services. it doesn't seem like just throwing money at this is going to solve the problem, especially
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when you're getting count of the streets where people are. >> they've been growing the government bureaucracy sometimes up to 80% is wasted on administration except people on the streets helping other people on the streets, enforcing the laws and making sure they don't in front of the businesses. helping those businesses that are going to employ people and i disagree with the other person speaking here. there are lots of other ways to drive income to people but when you have these government controlled, big government control it is wrong. the democrats have been charge of these cities for decades, it's getting worse, not better, let's try something else if you want a different result. >> shannon: heather mcdonald writing in the city journal saying the city enables the entire homeless lifestyle, free food is everywhere. outreach workers rom rome the cy handing out crackers and snacks -- how about a commitment
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to a single standard of behavior for all and insistence that rights carry with them reciprocal responsibilities, to you. >> the final word as we have a housing crisis. it cities might be controlled by democrats but the tax cuts have been on the republicans. republicans have given an extraordinary amount of tax cuts and estate benefits to billionaires to cities like san francisco. >> you don't have enough money? >> we are giving $224 billion to billionaires, god forbid we do affordable housing for americans who are working. the majority of homeless in america are working. they aren't, there might be a couple people that are doing that with the majority. >> a couple? >> the majority are working families. if we didn't have a housing crisis generated by these giant tax cuts we wouldn't be in this situation. we want in it ago, we were
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giving billions of dollars to republicans. >> shannon: it isn't flowing to the people who need it most, whether these cities are being run by democrats or republicans i am of lot of questions about how that money is not getting to the people regardless of how they got there. good to see you both. the president to use the word lynching today immediately provoking condemnation from a number of high-profile democra democrats. video of those critics might surprise you, next. by turning garbage into jet fuel. at bp, we see possibilities everywhere. by turning garbage into jet fuel. we're oscar mayer deli fresh your very first sandwich,m... your mammoth masterpiece. and...whatever this was. because we make our meat with the good of the deli and no artificial preservatives.
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>> indeed, it is a political lynching. >> i will not vote for this lynching and the people's house, i will vote against these resolutions. >> we are taking a step down the road to becoming a political lynch mob. we are going to find a rope, find a tree, and ask a bunch of questions later. >> shannon: some of the democratic lawmakers matter-of-factly describing president bill clinton's impeachment proceedings as a lynching back in 1998 but tonight top democrats are criticizing president trump because he compared this inquiry to a lynching today.
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richard fowler and gianna comeau, good to see you both. we uncovered video, terminology being used by former senator kerry and a former price president biden, tonight joe biden saying this, this wasn't the right word to use and i'm sorry about that. trumps use of the word lynching continues to stoke racial divide. your reaction to today in the past. >> president trump should never have used racially insensitive language like that, that was inappropriate. it digs up very painful memories in our nations history especially for african-america african-americans. but on this other hand when we are talking about what democrats have said it's the height of hypocrisy. people like joe biden said they want to put you all back in chains from some years ago. we should be intellectually honest and democrats have always used race as a tool so this is nothing new on their side but i
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was very disappointed to hear president trump use it. >> it doesn't matter who uses the word, it's wrong. everyone should take a moment to visit the lynching museum and see what lynching really were. emmett till was lynched for no reason in particular and his mom said when he was buried in chicago, his mom said i want my casket opens of the world can see what they did towhen the prs terminology in the oval office and the white house, it speaks to a dark history in america and the fact that republicans will support this is not only problematic but it's wrong. if a democrat uses the same language, they should also be condemned because the language speaks to the death of thousands of people of color that will never be able to come back, we'll never be able to real americans because of what racism and discrimination and lynching have done to them. >> shannon: we talked a little bit about the use of terminolo
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terminology, interviewing tom steyer in columbus, and he used the words and i said you know people aren't going to hear what you say, some terminology we all agree if you want to make an important point maybe stay away from that. let's talk about senator elizabeth warren, she is surging in the polls and there are concerns from some out there who are worried about that. jennifer rubin writing in "the washington post" said she faces a nagging concern about whether she is too far left to prevail in the general election, although sanders handed her a gift and declaring she's a capitalist capitalist through her bones. they are worried about electability in the general. >> when we think about socialism and look at the polling, i know there have been a rise of americans that support socialism but when you look at those numbers you see a lot of young folks which are caught in its rise. when it comes to folks who actually vote, not young people,
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generally speaking that's going to be problematic for the democrats. if you look at the fact she hasn't received many endorsements although she's a woman who can clearly clinch the nomination, that is problematic. if you think about she is not willing to accept a big donor dollars, that is going to be problematic because she doesn't have the donor base of bernie sanders. for her, it's going to be a big issue and donald trump would love to see her win the nomination. >> and i think he thinks she might because he doesn't seem to have a lot of confidence in the former vice president. you mentioned this about the endorsements, they are saying missing from the 2020 democratic endorsements, the reluctant of democratic lawmakers to embrace her campaign this deep into the year after she has plainly emerged as the leading candidate illustrates the lingering reservations party elites have about her general election prospects and her unique positioning in this race. >> it's time for democrats to let this thing take its course. we have to be organizing, organizing, registering people
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to vote, registering people to vote, that's what the obama campaign did so well. it's not about the candidate, it's about how we create change across this country. today elizabeth warren is in chicago and they aren't on strike because they want more money, they want a school nurse on the southwest side of the city. they want social workers. >> they want more money. >> they already got a 60% raise, they are fighting -- elizabeth warren is with them because they're fighting for nurses and social workers, they are fighting for sports teams to get new jerseys and that's the fight democrats should be about. how do we ensure health care is affordable, and sure prescription drugs are affordable. >> shannon: we have to leave it there, we have a midnight hero you guys will want to see. if you are looking at jimmy the dog who somehow managed to land on a narrow ledge in australia, pedestrians saw him and called for help. the fire authority arrived on the scene, it took more than three hours to get him into a
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9:00 pm
for those who were born to ride, there's progressive. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight," for many years, decades in fact, harvey weinstein's conduct was an open secret, the public may have been oblivious to what he was really like, but the people around him and worked around him knew that harvey weinstein, was a creep and a predator, it was glaringly obvious. some of them were brave enough to joke about it at awards shows. >> congratulations, you five ladies no longer have to pretend to's be attracted to harvey r weinstein. [laughter] >> tucker: so when


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